September 11, 2011

Remembering 9/11

Today, please take a moment to reflect on those who passed on this day ten years ago.

Many communities have organized memorials and many police and fire stations have acquired a piece of the Trade Center to display. Check your local newspaper or online local news to find out if your community has anything planned to remember the day.

I'll be spending the day surrounded by family and those I love. Life is fleeting, as we saw so obviously on September 11, 2001. I plan on reminding everyone how much they mean to me, because we are never promised tomorrow, we only have the present. In my family, we make an effort to always say, "I love you" before we leave, and hugs are plentiful. I encourage you to do the same, because life can be taken so quickly, and there is no more obvious reminder of that than the gaping hole left in the hearts of Americans, indeed the world, ten years ago. That wound has never and probably will never completely heal, but those affected have memories to get them through. I, for one, want to always leave a positive memory.

To read my story of September 11, click here.

Out of the depths of sorrow and sacrifice will be born again the glory of mankind." - Winston Churchill

If you'd like, please share your 9/11 story below. I believe that as Americans, but more generally as supporters of a peaceful, compassionate humanity, we are all connected by that day. Together we mourned, watched in disbelief, and together, we have begun to rise above the ashes of the Trade Center once more.

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