August 29, 2011

Running Through The Vehicle City

Here's a bit of irony for you: on Saturday was the annual Crim Festival of Races came to Flint, a city which boasts the name "Vehicle City," as if to suggest it is the younger, more scrappy brother of Detroit, the Motor City. Just last weekend was a huge car show known as Back to the Bricks, and this week, running aficionados found themselves flocking to the brick streets downtown. Interesting that a city based around driving as a major form of transportation also supports the opposite: the use of no vehicle at all!

My friend Tobi was in town, so we went into the city in the morning on Saturday. Of course, neither of us run, so we stood by the buildings and watched as the runners took their marks, and eventually returned as sweaty, smelly, and hunger-driven. Thousands of people showed up to run, and thousands more showed up to watch. I had never been to the Crim before, and I had assumed that several people showed up, but I never would have guessed it would be on such a large scale. The race featured everything from a Teddy Bear Trot for the little tykes out there, to a 10 mile race.

In the end, a Kenyan man named Julius Kogo won the 10 mile race for the second year in a row, this year completing the race in 47:15. Personally, I'm not sure how that's even possible, but kudos to the people who are so well-conditioned who can do that! (Nerd alert: Kenyans are sometimes stereotyped as being excellent runners, and as it turns out, they actually have a high proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which may contribute to their ability to run long distances more, they're genetically predisposed to being great runners! Additionally, they train using low mileage and high intensity.)

While I don't dream of being a long distance runner, I may up the ante on the treadmill this week. Maybe someday, I'll participate in the Crim instead of watching...maybe.


  1. Yeah, Crim! I was so nostalgic this weekend that I did my own version on Sunday morning. :) Glad you made it down to watch finally, and you should definitely try to do it sometime. Definitely a fun race!

  2. Fast Twitch Muscle fibers are actually most useful for sprinting, they are not very important in long distance running

  3. That is true. Muscle biopsies of Kenyan runners have shown Fast Twitch Muscle fibers in great abundance, which, like you said, do allow for better sprinters and shot-putters. However, they do have a genetic component which provides them with many Slow Twitch Muscle fibers... the two combined have helped Kenyan men win 11 out of the past 12 Boston Marathons, according to Tim Ferriss. Distance, and speed...lucky!

    Thanks for your comment; I should have expanded on it! I appreciate you pointing it out!


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