October 1, 2011

Finding The Meaning Of Happiness

I caught up with a friend of mine, Kevin, yesterday, and we began talking about my last post and the idea of what makes people happy.

Here are Kevin & I just before leaving for
South Dakota a few years ago
Generally, our conversations either begin or end with a discussion about life and what makes people tick. Kevin is one of those people who is constantly dreaming big. Whether that be dreaming of a better world for everyone in it or of a new fantastic plan he has come up with for himself. Honestly, I wish I could dream like that, but I often find my creativity comes up a little short of thinking of a new business idea every day.

When talking with him yesterday, we got on the topic of good ol' Bhutan and how the idea of finding happiness, or defining it in some way, could be a blog in and of itself.

So here's what I'm wondering: what brings you happiness? I mean pure, unadulterated happiness. The kind of joy that comes from seeing your mom's open arms at long last after a week at summer camp as a kid, or perhaps being able to sit down with the one you love at the end of a long day and share a smile.

Here's where I'll interject with a small brag about my awesome boyfriend. I'm perfectly happy curling up on the couch with a movie and a bowl of popcorn, and I'm so glad he enjoys the same. I love the comfort that comes with being able to get dressed up and go out, but also being able to show up on his doorstep in sweats and disheveled hair after a long day.  It's good to know I can just be unapologetically...me.

So there's one example about what makes me happy, what about you?

Seriously, I'm really interested to see what you have to say, so please share!


  1. Oh wow... Lots of things! However, I think my happiest times are when my husband is working close to town so he can come home every night (half the time he is working away), and when he walks in the door in the evening and sits down to supper, he takes a good 10 minutes to thank me for the lunch I made for him, to comment on how good dinner is, and then point out and say what a good job I did on whatever tasks I accomplished that day. It's not necessarily about him making my head even bigger than it is, it's the pure contentment of knowing that I am truly appreciated for all that I do when so many men take their wives for granted, and even if I had just had the most horrible day, and the kids were horrible, and dinner got burned, or whatever it is, somehow, on those days, everything is just instantly better because I know there is somebody in the world who really sees me. :) He is away from home right now, but I am counting the days until he is back again!

  2. Well...I really love making dinner with my girlfriend. We spend more time talking and goofing around than making the food. Something that should take us 30 minutes easily turns into 2 hours...and I live it

  3. Kitty- I love hearing about things like that, it is so encouraging to hear about people appreciating one another for the little or big things they do! I'm sure waiting for him to get home is nearly agonizing. I'll keep a little thought in my heart for a safe return for him :) Thank you so much for sharing!

    Cameron- I'm glad you enjoy it as much as I do. I was thinking we should try something new soon, possibly involving "bite sized" seasoned steak as an appetizer...food for thought ;)


Thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my blog--seriously, you're awesome!

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