I graduated in May 2011 with a B.A. in psychology and a B.A. in Spanish, and I already miss the classes. I've been taking Spanish since the 1st grade, and I love the language. Psychology is a great passion of mine, and some might argue I had a little too much fun with my senior research, which dealt with cell phone dependency in college aged students.
I find great joy in cooking, though I rarely use a recipe. I love to make new combinations and experiment with different flavors, and I especially love finding the perfect wine or cocktail to go with a meal.
Philanthropy and volunteering are very close to my heart, and I try to find a way to benefit others in most things I do.
My boyfriend, Cameron, and I have been together for about a year now, and we truly have a lot of fun together. This means he will inevitably be featured in a post or two after an adventure in which I most likely got us hopelessly lost after failing to understand driving directions or he convinced me to try something new, which I originally protested and eventually came to enjoy...like attending a University of Michigan football game. I'm not proud of it, ok? I am determined to remain loyal to Michigan State!
All in all, I'm just a college graduate trying to find her way in the world, and doing a lot of thinking in the meantime. Here, you'll find things that cross my mind, things that inspire me, things I find amusing or distressing, and things that (hopefully) will make you do some thinking, too.
As a disclaimer, I do not own all the images featured in this blog, nor do I claim to. The original source of the picture can be found by clicking on the image itself. Just giving credit where credit is due :)