July 25, 2012

Where is Batman?

As I sat in the packed movie theater yesterday with my fiancé (insert girlish squeal here) waiting for The Dark Night Rises to begin, I was suddenly struck with an undeniable sense of dread. I was nervous, and unbelievably so. Cameron would probably tell anyone who asks that I am generally a nervous wreck, though I beg to differ. I like to think I am simply acutely aware of uncomfortable scenarios which may or may not ever come to fruition.

Part of my nervousness yesterday, I'm sure, was a direct result of the tragic events in Colorado on Friday night. My thoughts and prayers are with all of those families, the victims, and their friends. While I usually consider my ability to write a great strength of mine, there are days when words fail. This is certainly one of those times. I can't begin to describe the sorrow in my heart for those who have been so rudely touched by Tragedy's piercing finger over the last few days. As with any tragedy, this will change the way we as a country tuck our children in at night, call out an "I love you" one last time before leaving those we cherish, and certainly the way we watch for strange activity in public.

This morning as I drove to work, I was struck with a gnawing question, "where are today's heroes? Is there such a thing as a hero anymore?"  Where is my generation's Batman, anyway? I mean, he or she doesn't have to posses superhuman strength or ability, but it would be nice if there was someone that people could look up to these days. Don't get me wrong, I personally love Nelson Mandela, but it seems that most teens and 20-somethings may not know who that is.

Alas, maybe we will have to find our own Batman to look up to. Do you have a hero you think everyone can look up to?

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