Those of us over the age of 16 felt a little bad for the kiddies today after waking up to dreary skies. The adults began to load up on coffee, preparing for a day cooped up in this little cabin, and the kids were ready for adventure from the moment they woke up. Since their grandma had arrived in the evening yesterday, it was still exciting for them to see her.
Seizing this opportunity, the older cousins all got ready at record speed and set out for the neighboring town to do a little shopping. Of course, this meant stopping in the stores with free food samples, and not actually purchasing anything. After walking for a time, we concluded lunch was in order, and realized that perhaps our indecisiveness was a family trait, not just individual, lovable (we like to think) traits. Needless to say, a few hours away was a welcome treat, and nothing could have reminded us of that more than the events of the ensuing hours.
Shortly after stepping foot back in the cabin, we were greeted with "Moooom!! Mommy!! MOM, SHE HIT ME! SHE WON'T SHARE THE SQUEAKY DUCK!" Ahhh, the joys of motherhood. I took the opportunity to relish in my ability to return any and all children to their respective mothers. Yes, that was a comforting feeling, to be sure. A few hours later, as we finished dinner and were entertained by chanting of the "ice cream and cake, cake, cake!" variety, we coulbdt have agreed more as an exhasperated 6-year old looked desperate to quell the arguing and fussing, and complained, "I'm just over all this noise!"
A quick nod around the table and the adults agreed, yes we were as well, and so to bed the kids were sent. Overall, all the kids did well for being stranded inside all day, and each had her moment as the little angel we know they each are. Sometimes, even on the cranky, no-nap, rainy days, it's just as funny to see them so concerned over such trivial things... Well, at least it is with the luxury of a child return policy ;)
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