August 6, 2011

On Angels' Wings

Left to right: Lauren, Andy, and me on graduation day
Today my thoughts are with a friend of mine named Andy. I've never been a huge fan of all the fighting going on in the world (don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of America), but I also know that sometimes it's a necessary evil to keep people safe. The sacrifices our troops make are incredible, selfless, and awe-inspiring.

After meeting Andy a few years ago in college in our sorority, I gained a whole new respect for what they go through. She may not know how much I look up to her and how much I have learned from her, but I sincerely hope I get the chance to tell her.

In early December, Andy was set to interview for flight school (she's in the army) with the hope of getting her wings. Our sorority, Pi Beta Phi, is The House of Angels. In my opinion, Andy has always had a set of wings. Her flight was leaving from Detroit in the early morning hours, and it meant she was leaving before the sun was up. I got up early to wish her goodbye, and it was then that I truly gained an all new respect for her. Here was a young woman who had worked harder than anyone I knew to finish her schooling (she was leaving about 2 weeks before the end of the semester) and had already delayed college when she joined and was deployed. She was about to give up a VP position in our sorority, for none other than philanthropy. Fitting that she gives so much for her country, but then gives a little more for her community. She did so with a smile, grace, and serenity that I only hope to reflect in my own life.

Soon, she'll be starting a 21-day training program that will take her incredible strength and determination to get through. I know she can do it.

Today, I encourage all of you reading this to think of someone who serves our country and send up a little prayer for them or take a moment to think of what they must be experiencing. Whether you support the war or not, support the men and women who are making sacrifices every day so that you can live in the land of the free, because of the brave.

Oh, and Andy, if you happen to read this, good luck to you, and as you train for your wings, remember, in our eyes, you already have them!

1 comment:

  1. I know I feel safer knowing that someone like her is helping to keep this country safe. She may not look big and scary, but I dare someone to pick a fight with her!! Hearing the stories that Liz has told me about Andy and all she has done for Liz has really given me a lot of respect for her!! GOOD LUCK ANDY!!


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